My Life As A Pup!

OK!  Time to lighten up here!!  No sad dog stories, I have the neighbors settled down (almost!!) and I’ve charged the battery in my camera!!  LOL
My gardeners came yesterday and did a thorough job on Charlotte’s (Crazy Lady) yard.  When they began pruning her rose bushes she came storming out… housecoat flapping in the breeze (not a pretty sight) and I intercepted her!!  "But they are cutting down my rose bushes!!!" I explained to her that they were PRUNING them because that’s what you do!  And they will NOT charge you!  Oh yeah….  And pull that housecoat down…. PLEASE!!!!  And Charlotte??  Quit tucking your housecoat into your underwear!  Sheesh!
Her redneck son, Kurt, came over and gave us a nice box of chocolates for helping her with her yucky toilet, so that was nice.
As usual, our ‘weather morons’ were right on!!  Clear, 80F and windy??  How about fog, 68 and calm!  As someone told me on spaces, SoCal is where old weathermen come to retire. 
OK, I’m done!!  Here is a cute poem (dogs can write poems??) that I know you will love!!  A far cry from yesterday’s post.

Life As A Pup!

This morning, I woke up & kissed my dad’s head.
I peed on the carpet, then went back to bed.
"The life of a puppy, oh my, this is great."
Then I thought about breakfast," I hope it’s not late.

"Mom took me outside, we walked for a while.
This never fails to make Mama smile.
I sniffed of everything, that we did pass,
I ate something weird – it gave me gas.

I’m sure God loves me, I know that is true.
He gave me so many great things to chew.
Rugs, plants or rocks, I really don’t care.
What I truly like best, is Dad’s underwear.

That obedience book, was sort of yummy.
Though it didn’t sit well on my poor puppy tummy.
I threw up a bit, but that was all right,
When Mom found it later, I was well out of sight.

I made streamers of T.P., while running at full speed.
Mom is pretty quick-but I was still in the lead.
I flew under the bed, and Mom flew past,
She stopped-shook her head, and breathed, "You’re too fast."

Mama later phoned Daddy, and said, "It was frightening!"
That afternoon, she was sure I’d pooped lighting.
She’d sat at the computer, while I chewed the cord,
She thought I was mad, but I was just bored.

When Mama had enough, couldn’t take anymore,
That’s when my tushy got shoved out the door.
I love it inside, but outside is best.
Lay in the cool grass, and have a good rest.

That didn’t last long, there was too much to do-
Can’t quite remember where I hid Daddy’s shoe.
I found an old bone, and scratched at a flea,
I watched the dumb squirrels as they jumped in a tree.

I barked at the kids, when they got off the bus.
I can’t figure out why this makes Mama fuss.
I barked at the neighbor, I barked at the wind.
I barked and barked, till Mom yelled, "COME IN."

The sun dipped in the west-soon Daddy would come!
I sure love my daddy: we always have fun.
I barked at my daddy, then turned on my charms,
I woo-wooed, "Hello," then jumped in his arms.

Sitting under the table – it’s sooo hard to wait.
Daddy slipped me a goodie right off his plate.
I raced through the house, and scattered my toys,
Ricocheted off the furniture, and made lots of noise.

Mom found her purse – the one I abused.
Daddy let loose a chuckle. Mom asked "Amused??"
I cowered down low, I must be in trouble.
Dad said, "Wasn’t MY boy, it must be his double!"

Mom turned off the TV, and said,"Time for bed."
Dad said "Let’s go boy," and patted my head.
I got in my spot, between Mom and Dad,

I thought ’bout my day and what fun I had.
Mama kicked out my bone from the covers below.
Then let loose a sigh-a sigh deep and low.
She gave me a kiss,
and snuggled me tight,
And whispered so softly,
‘My darling goodnight’.

Now, wasn’t that better??


Tonight’s song is more upbeat also.  A ‘Cajun’ country song by Mary Chapin Carpenter.  Makes me want to go to Lousiana…. Almost!  (I love her little chuckle at the end!!!!)

Have a GREAT week!

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16 Responses to My Life As A Pup!

  1. Joe says:

    Hey Bob, I just love your neighborhood chronicles!  I am amazed at your weather though I guess I shouldn’t be surpised….so that’s where the old weathermen go to retire eh?  Your song is surely more upbeat than mine…I’m running "Americahstan" by Megadeth.  LOL!

  2. Jill says:

    they gave you our forecast….it’s 82 right now, gentle breeze and the top is down on the car….heading out to the desert cuz i have this bizarre urge to drive today. 

  3. Beth says:

    Mary Chapin Carpeter, now there is a treat.  I saw her in concert with Vince Gill when she first started her career.  Very petite, powerful voice.
    I loved the doggie poem, very nice!
    You were such a sweetie pie to help your little old redneck next door lady and you were rewarded with a box of chocolates.  GREAT!!
    Hugs,  Beth

  4. Beth says:

    Carpenter, sorry about the misspelling.

  5. Cindy says:

    I’m not going to read the sad dog story.  I cry too easily and I just don’t need to do that right now!  LOL  Love Mary Chapin Carpenter and that’s my favorite song of hers.
    Can you sneak in a picture of Crazy lady?  I have a visual going and really hope she’s not that bad!

  6. Beth says:

    Hey Bob, Suzy Boggus is from Monmouth Illinois which is just a few miles from where I grew up in western Illinois.  I surely do remember her.

  7. Lena says:

    are you SURE they were chocolates? Just a thought.

  8. Grandma's says:

    Thank goodness I didn’t need a whole box of Kleenex to read today’s post.  That last one was just too sad!!
    Oh I would have loved to see a picture of Charlotte in her housecoat…LOL…hope she didn’t scare off the gardeners.
    I think we have some weather guys up here that are ready to retire….maybe I should send them down to you.  We were supposed to have sunshine…yeah right….maybe when I blinked.
    The song you have on today is one of my hubby’s favorites.  I used to like it a lot…but when hubby finds a song he likes he plays it over and over and over and over…..and the worst part is he either pulls out his banjo and attempts to pick away at it….or turns on the organ (and I swear the dear man is tone deaf….but we won’t tell him, will we?)
    Have  great week my friend….keep that camera handy!!  And please, no more sad stories until I have stocked up on Kleenex.

  9. Julie says:

    🙂 How cute! I loved it. Thanks Bob! 🙂

  10. Twila says:

    That’s toe tappin’ music and I LOVE it!  Reminds me of my bar-fly days!  🙂  Even got my toes tappin’ this early.  That’s about the only thing that’s tappin’ right now.  🙂  Great to see  ya’ Bob.  I know, I haven’t been around much.  Been really busy, but for the next few days, I’m hoping to get caught up with all my Spaces buds.
    SoCal gets the retired weathermen and Iowa gets the fresh outta’ school newbies.  Neither of us can win!  So their training ground is here and their out to pasture ground is there!  Sorry we didn’t train them very well.  😦
    Hope you have a great day!  Oh, and btw, do ya’ think Microsoft doesn’t believe in Christmas?  Why the heck don’t they have ANY Holiday themes for our pages?????  Hmmmm.

  11. Sue says:

    Hey, we got your wind up here yesterday!  It howled around for quite a while in the late afternoon.  Glad things have greened up around here (with all the fog we get) instead of that nasty dry-tinder brown!  Say, do you know when is a good time to transplant rose bushes?  My hubby wants to move them to the front property line to keep out the riff-raft but I don’t want to kill them in the move!

  12. Rosebay says:

    Cute puppy poem. I will have to send it to my son who is going through puppy he!!. Makes me giggle though, I gave him the pup for his Bday.

  13. klaus says:

    This one was very funny Bob. Have a great day my friend.k~

  14. Cin says:


  15. Rambling says:

    Hey man…where you been?

  16. Grandma's says:

    Hi Bob…..are you having as much fun as the rest of us….trying to figure out the "New" spaces? Would have been nice if we had prior warning….but I guess, since it is free we really can’t complain too much. Facebook went through a similar change….so I was prepared for this one.*Hugs*Karin

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